Prove yourself!

​It was a time for me to prove myself and I did just that. I did my best to prove that although my only official work experience is from NSS, am still better off. 

Dearly beloved when you get to know where God is taking you, you don’t just jump on to it. It is more prudent to prepare yourself and wait for your announcing. Then you prove yourself when you are announced. I learnt this from Joseph, in the bible. I personally believe that he prepared himself and waited for his announcing. Look how he commanded authority even in prison. He made use of the opportunity to interpret Pharaoh’s dream. After he interpreted Pharaoh’s dream, he said to Pharaoh, find a man… Joseph described his potentials as the criteria for choosing ‘this’ man. He proved himself indeed when he was announced as the Prime Minister. 

I leave you with this, prepare yourself very well and wait for God to announce you. Make use of opportunities that come your way and prove yourself.

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